Tuesday, May 24, 2011

everything I do comes from within a darkness within me.

"Everything I do comes from within a darkness within me." A quote said by someone very inspirational to me. Sonya Teyah is a choreographer and quite possibly one of the most creative people in the world. Which brings me to this. As i looked through the Daniel Reagan photo series, all I could think to myself was what Sonya had said in each of the dance classes I have taken from her. As you look at these pictures, do me a favor and really stare at each and everyone of them. It made me cry. It touches a place, that no one or anything else could ever get to.

She laughs.  A sinister laugh. Suicidal thoughts.

Catch me if you can. I'm waitng.

Others will respect you if you respect yourself. I never respected myself and this is where I ended up.

I didn't want my picture taken because I was going to cry.



  1. oh, thanks for your comment, I follow you becasue I really like your tastes, do the same if you want, kisses :)
